This is definitely one of those movies you should watch when you are having a bad day! Personally, I don't see how you cannot be smiling by the end. Perhaps one of Speed Racer's strongest suits is its focus on family. Speed, Pops and to some degree, even Rex seem to be willing to sacrifice everything in order to preserve and safe-guard their family. Not only that, but by the end the bad guys are all dead or in prison and the good guys win. Yeah, that is WAY to commercial and a horrible plot! You need to hate this movie! *rolls eyes*
But the two things that really do stick out are the films focus on special effects and pressing on. Which screams louder, I couldn't say, but scream they do. The effects truly are headache inducing, and certainly not for the faint of heart. More to the point, if any of my grandparents watched this movie, they would probably throw up from motion sickness and color overdose. But if you are in the 10 to 30 movie buff range, this movie is for you! The whole production really is breathtaking.
What really impressed me, however, is the Racer's tough as nails, take on all comers attitude. That impressed me... who knew that the Wachowski's had such a soft spot in their hearts for families? I am dually impressed.
There are some things that did NOT impress me however. True to Wachowski form, the film is rather violent for a PG outing. Explosions are common, car parts fly, piranas attack, and ninjas kick???? Where did the ninjas come from? Perhaps even more disappointing the the amount of foul language. Normally, I would not care... except that this movie is aimed at 6 to 14 year olds. Two s words is a little much. Speed's younger brother even flicks off one of the bad guys... not something you'll want your kids emulating.
Those are my only real complaints about the film. Overall, I think it was very good; ESPECIALLY for the W brothers' first attempt at a PG film. But in the end I think that Adam Holz from Focus on the Family sums it up best:
"You can take the Wachowskis out of the Matrix, but you can't take the Matrix out of the Wachowskis."
4 out of 5
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