I find people's aversion to certain stores fascinating. I love hearing the reasons behind why someone "hates this store," or "loathes going THERE!" But I find it even more interesting that those are the stores I enjoy going to. Funky Beat (Va Beach), Flowers and Gifts (Moscow, ID), Hot Topic (everywhere)... I truly enjoy going to them. Why? Simple: the people. I have never met more hospitable and kind and... well..... interesting retail persons. They almost always take an interest in you, how you are, what you are looking for. The owner of one such store would even ask me how school was going every now and then! (Notice that Spencer's is NOT on this list, I have heard too many horror stories about that place. There is an extreme sexual vibe coming from inside every-time I pass it. I recommend saying FAR away from it!)
It's true that most of them are homosexual or strung out or have a penchant for mutilating their bodies... but they are so darn nice! Which makes it all the more frustrating for me! Why do they try to separate themselves from the world, why do they try to be painfully different when they have such potential? And why do Christians, of ALL people, hate interacting with them? It just doesn't make any sense to me!
Some of the things in the stores are rather odd too. But they are so much fun to look at, and wonder who on earth could have though of THAT!
For the most part, these people just need to be listened to... or maybe, they want to listen to you! Small retail is where conversations and relationships often start. Support your local businesses! To hell with the webernet!
Ugly Dolls are the best. :D
Interesting thoughts, as usual, Josiah. I sense this stemmed off our conversation the other day. :)
One reason I have aversion to some of the stores you posted on here is this: We become what we like and who we chose to spend our time with. The Bible is clear that bad people have bad influences on us. It does not *generally* work the other way. I say generally. It is not as if that can never happen.
As Christians we need to chose wisely who we spend our time around. But, also when the time comes we need to be a witness for those in the dark. Homosexuals, druggies, and the like are NOT people we should be influenced by. Being a witness does NOT mean supporting these stores, by wearing there merchandise. What does that say to your other Christian friends about you?
Just some of my thoughts. Thanks for posting about this topic. :)
I completely agree. And Christians should really stop avoiding those people.
Its a conundrum to me too how great the people are you'd least expect by looking at them.
I think that an examination of Scripture would reveal that we are supposed to love our "enemies". And where we are not supposed to spend time around bad company, I think that is speaking of a particular kind of time spent around that kind of company. Not just some kind of general time in the vicinity.
Look at Jesus' example. We can never go wrong spending time with the prostitutes and thieves and people who work at hot topic if that time is spent serving and loving them.
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