It's raining... raining in the Idaho panhandle. It's snowing everywhere else... I think it might even be snowing in Florida right now. Nothing would surprise me weather wise at this point. Perhaps this is why the official term has been changed from "global warming" to "climate change." Notice that "climate change" is a bad thing. Obama said so in his state of the union address. Also notice what follows from that: not even Obama believes that all change is good. Bush was smart but talked dumb, Obama is dumb but talks smart. Which is more dangerous?
It's raining... depending on the kind of mood I'm in... I quite enjoy rain. Especially right now... at the end of a very, very long week. The roommates are out partying it up. The house is quiet, nothing but the water heater whirring in the background. "Be still and know that I am God." I'll probably take a nap soon. THIS is how to spend a Sunday afternoon.
I have a job... this makes me very happy. It really makes me focus on my school work when I have the time. I think I did pretty well on my science midterm... I've failed my last two. Maybe I can pull my average grade up from a C to a B this quarter. You never know. Last year 3rd quarter proved to be the best.
Already making summer plans... my long lost roommate, Russell invited me up to his place this August for Warped Tour. I went last year, but it was a total bore going alone. Rocking out with a friend is always so much more fun. As for the rest of this summer? Who knows? Well... God does. He always has. I keep thinking He doesn't. How silly of me. As me and my college friends often say in instant message speak: *headdesk*
Singleness awareness day... I think I won't even celebrate it when I'm married. That will be a tough one to spring on the wife. "Sorry dear, I don't believe in Valentines Day." I think I have a legitimate excuse though. Paul makes it very clear in his letters to the churches around the world that they ought not do anything that would make a weaker brother to stumble. I think our famous American red holiday does just that. Let me explain... no, there is too much...... let me sum up:
I was very prone to... seeking others' affections while in middle school, high school... and to some extent even now. I consider myself one of the afore mentioned "weaker brothers." Valentines Day always bothered me, it put pressures on me that needn't have been there. So, even when I am no longer single... I will nullify "valentines" day in my household.
Romans 14:5-6 "One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God."
I'm fully convinced in my own mind, and I will not celebrate "valentines" day unto the Lord.
In Christ,
to me valentine's day is about so much more than having a romantic partner or red and pink hallmark cards. trite as it sounds, it's about love (and love is never trite). my romance with the world, the people in my life, etc.
that's why i happily said to everyone i came across today, happy valentine's day. :)
Well, before you condemn the day so entirely, it's good to remember what it ought to be (even if it's not now)... Mr. Valentine was a priest in the early church. The emperor of Rome thought it would be a good idea to ban young men from getting married so that they would be freer to fight in the army. Valentine decided to stand firm in the belief, no, the fact that God created marriage as a good thing and continued to perform marriages. The emperor, who was not pleased, ordered Valentine to stop performing weddings and denounce Jesus Christ and follow the pagan gods of Rome at that time. Valentine stood his ground, and the emperor had him executed.
In prison, Valentine conversed with the blind daughter of one of the prison guards who brought food every day. He is said to have healed the blind girl. He wrote her a note signed, "from your valentine".
The man after which the day is entitled is most definitely worth remembering. Especially in light of the great and grave attack on marriage in the culture recently, it is a wonderful opportunity for Christians to re-affirm marriage and to set an example much like Valentine himself did.
But guys, that's what I'm saying... it DOESN'T mean any of those things to me. So celebrating those things will just confuse people. Choosing to not celebrate the holiday at all will make a statement. That's what I want to do, not confuse people.
Erin, celebrate love? Well, yes... be we ought to do that everyday. (see my facebook status) I know that we celebrate Christmas and Easter even though we are to remember and be thankful for Christ's birth and sacrifice... that is much more important than "love" in my book. In fact, Christ is the ultimate example of love, we should have more holidays to celebrate him... not the abstract work "love." Seen outside of Christ, that word has done worlds more harm than good.
Clayton, I understand what you are driving at, and I agree for the record. But I am stating what personally, Valentines Day has done to me... and I want to not celebrate it so that I can set an example and stay as far away from being a stumbling block for other brothers as I can...
I also understand the ramifications of this. I need to examine all my life if I am going to make such a stink about Valentines Day. Perhaps I should go back and check what movies I watch on a regular basis again.
Thanks for the responses you two!
what i was saying is that YOU can make it mean what you want it to mean. you know? you don't have to have it mean "romance flowers chocolate couples" just because the world says so.
welllll see i disagree because "love" is never abstract to me. whenever is say love i'm always referring to God, he is love, after all. it's like when i say "i want to visit my friend in san francisco this summer" and someone mutters "lord willing." it's like, to me, i just assume the obvious. duh, lord willing. duh, love is referring to God's gift. so to me it's not "love" in quotation marks. it's Love. and yes, we ought to do that everyday. but no, i do not have a problem with a specific day set aside as a reminder to love. love our neighbors, love God, love this world....
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