
New Frontier

Ok... so there are a lot of things that scare me about having a job. Let's start with the fact that I have not had a job in about 2 years since I left Virginia Beach Alcohol Beverage Control back in 2008 when I moved down to NC and then out to college. That's right... I have not had a job in 2 years. I suppose this reflects on the grace of God, as I have not HAD to have a job to support myself. But the time came this year for me to enter the working world. It wasn't a new year's resolution or anything like that (although, 2010 DOES begin and new chapter and new story), but it was more the fact that I am almost 21, and have no real work experience.

That brings me to the next thing that scares me about having a job: I haven't HAD a real job before! I've "worked," yes... but not regular kind of normal person job. Well, I did do the classic mow your lawn, watch the mentally insane 3 year old boy jobs. (Andrew was crazy, and I loved him for it. But that's a story for another time.) But after that, I decided to work at a place called River Ranch Retreat Ranch (I kid you not), more commonly referred to as "Triple R Ranch," perhaps because it was less harsh on the ears and sensibilities. It was a Christian summer camp, the kids that attended it were not. I babysat 12 prepubescent boys for a week at a time for 4 weeks with the help of another college aged guy. It was... fun?

My next job was as an underage buyer for Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). My dad found that job for me; to this day I don't know how he dug it up. Perhaps he will comment on this post and enlighten us all. Basically, I had to fill out several reams of paper (as it was a government job), and then sit in for training at a police station. Once I was hired my job consisted of going around, trying to buy alcohol from any place that would sell it, with two armed police officers trailing me. We were all undercover, so if the establishment handled themselves well, asked for my ID and refused to sell to me, we walked out and no one was the wiser. If you sold to me however, the officers would immediately walk up to you, tell you what you did, tell the manager what you did and then tell the state what you did. Then they'd arrest you, which I learned working this job does NOT actually mean that you get put in cuffs. It just means... well, I'm not sure anymore. But anyway, you were caught red handed and you would have to show up at court. (I got to tag along as a witness when we did catch someone.) Usually anyone we busted would either get a 500 dollar fine, community service or some kind of combination of the two.

There are so many tales I could tell about that job: the time an ABC agent got called in to do a drug bust in this pink polo. How the agents would try to make me look as young as possible so I wouldn't get sold to; cuz if I did, they'd be stuck with miles of paper work. How often Food Lion sold me alcohol. How we had to drive through the projects... the list goes on.

The next "job" I had was as an actor and creative person in a local film company. Never saw a dime of profit... but I think we gained capital in other areas. The relationships forged were always the big focus for me. We made a movie that still isn't finished, and the company kind of blew up at the end of last year... but I don't regret any of it. Sometimes an adventure is worth taking just for the fun of it.

Back to the new job:

Another thing that kind of bothers me is that I am not good with liquids, and I am going to be working at a winery... During high school I joked with my friends that I had a drinking problem. (Not alcoholic drinking problem... but that leads into reason 3.) The insident that I remember specifically was when I was at a party at my best friend's house. I had a big glass of Sprite in my hand, and was standing behind the couch where some of our other friends were playing Nintendo. Then, inexplicably, I kind of drop, kind of throw my fizzy drink of goodness all over my friend's couch. We laughed it off afterwards, but that still didn't alleviate my drinking problem. How bad am I going to be around wine bottles all day??

Of course, although I will be soon, I am not yet 21. Obviously that means I cannot be a taster at the winery. I can see myself now:

"Sir, what wine would you recommend?"

"Ummm... That one!"

"Oh? How is it??"

"Good... we make it."

"What's it taste like?"

"No idea..."

Even more than that, I am a full time student, at the school with the craziest work load this side of the Mississippi. I have already had to tell my teacher I won't be able to make one of my classes on Monday. Now, I have just found out that my new work schedule directly conflicts with two of my finals in about 4 weeks.

But the biggest one? Taxes, taxes, taxes... *twitch, twitch* I think the federal government is trying to drive us mad or something. Everytime I see a W-4 form I start to have minor heart attacks.

But you know what? I just realized... all this (although amusing perhaps) is worry. Clearly a sin in the Bible. God saw fit to grant me a job. I am immensely thankful for it. Do I want God to take away the gift that He just gave me? No. I'll practice being thankful instead of bothered.

Cheers, and have a blessed Sabbath!

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Stuff I talk about

God poetry life music randomness Movies stories general foolishness hope list redemption adventure love playlist of the week self correction American culture Christian Video change friends jobs the church Politics Review anger laziness peace perspective rain school summer Batman Bible Bike Choices Comedy Games Praise Worldview back from the dead birthday comics contentment facebook favorite things forgiveness grace grocery stores idols max bemis metaphor pop culture prayer punk rock scott pilgrim sin snow striving stupidity summer camp thanks the apocalypse theology trust truth vikings violence war waves winter words work worship zombies A Band In Hope Alan Moore Anorexia Ben Stiller Book of Eli Bubba Ho-Tep Captain Hammer Cell Phone Christopher Nolan College Denzel Washington Dr. Horrible Evil FAQ Family Flobots Good Goorin bros Harry Potter Heath Ledger Jimmy Jonathan Joss Whedon KJ-52 Lost trust Mobile Movie Critics Muse Nervosa Ninjas PAX217 Penny Peter Hitchens Philistines Raw Rock Rise Against Shawn Harris Showbread Skittles Speed Racer Surviving High School The Dark Knight The Matches The Matrix Tooth and Nail Tragedy Tropic Thunder Vietnam Wachowiski Brothers active airports albums alcohol alcohol beverage control ambiguity apology art bands beauty best buy best of blasphemy buckets burgers car trips career claddaugh rings clarification creation danger defibrillators definitions destination doom dragons drums edger allen poe emotions entertainment epic evolution fad fame fate feelings fight flags general advice glamour glory hallelujah hats heart heaven hell hip/hop home humility ideals internet interruptions introspection joy jury duty justice laundry letter letting go life lessons mariachi men michael buble mom monies mummies mystery naps nerdiness new things nursing homes obama ocean old testament pain paradox passive planes postmodernism puppies ramona flowers relationships religion revisions right place right time righteousness road robert rodriguez salvation sarcasm say anything scary sci-fi sea searching seasons smack soapbox song soundtrack spanish standards stars string sun tale taxes the Joker the Kingdom of God the apostle Paul the bronx time toy story treasure trinity underdogs unsung heroes update valentines day vampire weekend vulgarity waiting warped tour water withdrawl worry

About Me

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Va Beach, VA, United States
Husband, son, brother, friend, box-kicker, Christian and writer of profound non-sequiturs.

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