Connotation, Definition and ect.
The Rain
Don't Look Away
Yet... Not At All
A Very Short Introduction to Max Bemis
God Works in Mysterious Ways
Singleness Awareness Day
Apology II
Well, that was interesting…
So, the thing about who I am and the modern invention of the webernet is that you all get to see the good and the bad. I think that on a fundamental level that’s important. But I don’t want you all to get the wrong idea.
For all those who may read this that I don’t know, I’m not a guy that just randomly flies off the handle at 8th century monks. In retrospect, a line from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes to mind: “I just get so angry all the time!” That’s how I was feeling the other day. But as Sirius Black responds to Harry as he is wondering he is really evil, he comes very close to quoting Batman: “It’s is what we do that defines us.” (for the record, this is VERY characteristic of me, quoting movies to get my point across.)
I want what I do to have meaning and purpose. I want to really get angry about stuff sometimes, but not arbitrarily. I want to let people know what I am passionate about, but taking it out on monks that many people have never heard of before is just not how to do it.
As a little aside, I really want to get my motto tattooed on my right forearm. Just three words: “Truth With Love.” If nothing else, I want to have the reminder emblazoned upon my skin, so that everytime I see it, it will become engraven in my soul. Now that I think on it… THAT is what I am most passionate about! “Truth with love.” There is so much in the Scriptures that I want to convey and tell others, and there is so much hate spreading through the modern American church. It’s either tolerance or passivism. (I’m not saying that this is EVERYONE, but by and large it is the norm.) The two camps of love and truth are seemingly engaged in an endless war. But they are not mutually exclusive. Nor should you only have one or the other. If you are all fire and brimstone, no one will listen to the truth you have. And if you are all sappy, sweet mush… you have no truth to speak to those that are listening.
So that is more likely something I should swear about… not old British monks. Please forgive me. Which causes are worth fighting for the kingdom? I’m still working on that one. Please bear with me as I learn what hills are worth dying on.
Many thanks,
Playlist of the Week 2010 #6
New Frontier
Follow the String
As things die
As people move in and out
As we lie
It's like reaching for an ice cream cone only to have it fall upon the pavement
It's like trying to climb the stairs to the attic, then falling into the basement
I keep coming up with abstractions that don't do reality justice
Bang the gavel, send me away, lock me up so I won't write anymore angsty metaphors
But even from my cell, I see the world keep moving
The changing of the guard reflects something deeper
Something larger at stake
It's telling me that we made a mistake
I clutch the string and follow it to the end
It takes me to an unexpected destination
I thought it was saving me from damnation
I thought I was running from what I feared
Only to find that I am right back where I began
Except everything is different
Perhaps it's only that I was wrong...
Awash in a sea of pretty faces, taking notes, staring into space, longing for better places
Longing for something else
Longing for a local where we'll never change again
Cuz there'll be no need
We'll already be perfect
Playlist of the week 2010 #5
Just listen to the whole album... yes, all two hours of it. I highly doubt that you will regret it. This is the best album I have heard in a looooooooong time. And I listen to lots of music!
So now, out here in Idaho there is so little of it. We get bits of it in snow, but for some reason that just isn't good enough for me. I want more. I want oceans of the stuff. Torrential down pours. Endless waves pounding a rhythmic time upon the shore. Hurricanes even!
But here there is none of that. Not rain, not storm, not sea. I feel kind of like I am drying up.
My brain quotes pithy sayings in retort to my complaints. "Grow where you're planted."
Am I looking for the wrong kind of water? Am I neglecting the water of my baptism? The water of the Spirit? Where is it? Have I hidden it deep in my heart? In the deep crevices, that nothing can penetrate? Have I buried the water of hope and love and peace so deep that I am actually having trouble drinking from the well?
Dear Lord, I can't dig anymore. I am parched, I am longing for something more than a pill to get me through the day. I need something that lasts... forever. You've given it to me already, but I keep losing it. Totally my fault. I seem to be so horrible at water retention. Plug up the holes, please God. I don't want to leak anymore. Keep me filled with your grace, and the pure joy that comes not of circumstances... but of You.
Stuff I talk about
About Me

- Josiah Truax
- Va Beach, VA, United States
- Husband, son, brother, friend, box-kicker, Christian and writer of profound non-sequiturs.
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My Blog List
September 20129 years ago
Turkey Pesto Bagel10 years ago
Strategi bermain Golf11 years ago
Unity (Part I)11 years ago
In Which the Author said "Yes!"13 years ago
Wouldn't you be?13 years ago
Oh look. I found a funny video...14 years ago
Capt Jack had it Made!16 years ago
Blog Archive
- Connotation, Definition and ect.
- The Rain
- Don't Look Away
- Yet... Not At All
- Soapbox
- A more in depth introduction to Max Bemis
- A Very Short Introduction to Max Bemis
- Herrrrmmm....
- God Works in Mysterious Ways
- Singleness Awareness Day
- Apology II
- Playlist of the Week 2010 #6
- New Frontier
- Follow the String
- Playlist of the week 2010 #5
- Rain