Quantum starts off exactly where Casino Royale left off; with Bond on the run and Mr. White in tow. The long and short of it is that he loses White and then goes around the world chasing him to get to his boss and then that guys boss and then that guys boss......... you get the picture. So the bulk of the film follows Bond killing lots of people and disobeying lots of M's orders with precious little humor to brake the tension. It looks like Marc Foster borrowed more from the Bourne and Mission Impossible films than from the Bond cannon for this outing.
Overall there is significantly less sex and bad language in Quantum than in other Bond films. We briefly see Bond kiss a girl's back in bed. Other than that there is some talk of characters sleeping with other characters, and then of course there are the opening Bond credits. But hey, that's Bond for you. As for cursing: I think I heard the s word once and damn and hell only a handful of times. Really restrained for an action flick if you ask me.
The violence, on the other hand, is anything but. The only thing that makes it less intense than the Dark Knight is that most of of violence in this film happens in day light. But that doesn't make it any less visceral. People are shot, thrown off buildings, brutally beaten, blown up, etc. One of the more disturbing scenes features the aftermath of a minor character who has apparently been tortured, stripped of clothing, killed and covered with crude oil..... all in order to get to Bond. Yeah, the baddies in this one are REALLY bad!
One of the better scenes features Bond spying on a few of the main bad guys who are all watching an opera. A rather large scale battle ensues.... all to the background music of the opera. Pretty cool.
So we begin to see the rise of a cold and calculated Bond. He is becoming the famous secret agent that we knew all along, but now we know WHY he is the way he is. Perhaps we will be a bit more sympathetic. But sadly, this film doesn't do NEARLY as good a job as the pervious Bond film did. Marc Foster and Daniel Craig just lack chemistry. There is no Johnny Depp/Tim Burton or Stephen Spielberg/Harrison Ford thing going on here...... something which a Bond film could desperately use. I'm big fans of both of them, but they just don't cut it here.
If you are a follower of the actor, or the director, or just want a good action flick... by all means, watch Quantum of Solace. But I would warn Bond fans to stay away.... if you disliked Casino Royale, you'll hate this one. And if you DID like Casino Royale, you still might not like Quantum. It's kind of like an Amp energy drink, enjoyable and fun while it lasts, but leaves you wanting something more fulfilling, and a little bit depressed.
2 1/2 out of 5
I've heard many reviews like yours, but I still think I am going to see the movie anyway.
I'll let you know what I think of your review in-depth then.
I enjoyed what you had to say, regardless.
Sorry it was a bit of a let-down, Scotty. I'm glad you got to see it anyhow, though. :)
When James Bond is blonde, and jest hair is non, the movie is already far gone.
You're nuts Russ, completely mental. And you would not be Russ if you weren't.
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