Also, I have been watching lots more movies. I watched "The Godfather Part I" last weekend, and just finished watching "Hot Rod" with a bunch of my college buddies over in our basement. They are both movies that I personally loved, but would be hesitant to recommend them to everyone. "Godfather" while a classic, is quite intense and contains lots of graphic violence and some sexual content. "Hot Rod" is hysterically funny, in the vain of "Napoleon Dynamite," but much better written (in my opinion) and also quite a bit more crude. Bummer. But to be fair, I have not laughed so hard while watching a movie in a long time.
Tomorrow night is actually a scheduled movie night. (The Hot Rod thing just kinda happened). I'll be watching "Donnie Darko" and "V for Vendetta." V is a personal favorite of mine... Darko is another story. It appears to be a rather complicated mix of "Alice in Wonderland," "Harvey," "The Butterfly Effect," "Edward Scissorhands," and "The Sixth Sense." Yeah, it's gonna be creepy.
I'll keep you all posted,
Yeah, watching Hot Rod was da bomb with you guys. Sorry I laughed so hard. Did your boarding family say anything the next morning? V is da man, and Darko . . . is Darko. It's pretty much existential angst bottled up and poured over Gylenhall's head. He's masterful in that role, but I'm still confused by that film. I need to watch it again.
Darko makes sooooo much more sense if you read the copy of "The Philosophy of Time Travel" that comes on the DVD and then listen to the director/actor commentary while watching the film. It defines a lot of terms and helps you understand what the director thinks is going on. But yes, it is a WHOLE lot more complicated than it looks at first.
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