My head is warm. A hat does its job. It has words on it, meaning I know not what. I am sitting in a place that is not home, but I am comforted. Buzzing on, buzzing off, buzzing on, buzzing off. I have not driven in hours, it feels like years. My car does not exist. W________ and ____W are now my stomping grounds, and they are populated with loved ones, new and newer. Rap can be constructive, depending on the beat. Friends, however, choose not to enjoy it. One person listens, even when I don't know what I am saying. Blue eyes seem more abundant out west. I doubt the validity of some statements, yet I am learning to trust others... again. Family is far away, but they do not inhabit my hometown. Materialism consumes like a toxic radioactive fire. God pulls me from its flames. Being content and patient makes one richer. Tithing, even more so. A healthy longing is not out of place. Air mattresses deflate easily... they must not enjoy my company. I go to sleep on one. I will awake upon the floor. Canned food tastes good, depending on the circumstances.
Sounds like fun over all! Tell Russ I said hello. :)
I'm praying for Robin and her family.
You don't have Sweeny Todd listed as a favorite movie in your profile. I'm amazed.
Take care! Don't die (because you know the consequences of that. Remeber: just *don't*. lol). See you later!
This post was very sporadic, but purposefully intended at the same time.
I loved it.
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