Well, the masters of "we don't care what the record labels or music scene think" have done it again! First, a little background as to what on earth is going on with the record, or more appropriately, record(S). Showbread came onto the scene in 2005 with the backing of Christian rock label extrodinaires, Tooth and Nail. "No Sir, Nihilism is not Practical" was met with great success and gained a strong fan base. The album's spastic emo/screamo/punk was second only to the band's live show with in addition to matching outfits and crazy stunts featured a "keytar."
Showbread hoped to gain even more popularity with their next effort, "Age of Reptiles," but to many of the bands fans that record was seen as "selling out," and never gained much steam. But soon the hype for a new album began, or wait, was it TWO albums? That is something that is simply not done in the record industry now-a-days, due to a little word called "profits." Showbread, however, was more interested in a story.
Each of the new albums follows the story of one of two sisters: Anorexia, who looks for meaning through good deeds, pride and success, or sister, Nervosa, who decides to gain happiness through the pleasures of the world and all the filth that it can offer. Each album then follows them through their own journey through the darkness and to their salvation in Jesus Christ. (Rather hard hitting for a rock opera, huh?)
But the music is just half of the package. Along with the records you get the jewel case booklet as well. But instead of lyrics and band thank yous you get a short story with each that you read along with AS the music plays. This helps you understand the story of the two sisters more fully. There are also many hidden clues and messages throughout the booklets, I am still trying to make sense of them. If you want any hints as to what they mean, I suggest that you start here at the official anorexia/nervosa forum.
I cannot recommend these albums enough (yes, you really should get both of them to get the full impact of the project). They are, however, very dark. Let me repeat that: VERY DARK!!!!! I was depressed for most of the day after listening to both the albums and reading the story. There is hope at the end of each, but you need to go on a rather trying odyssey to get there.
Two thumbs up in my book!!!
1 comment:
awesome! So I will definitely be boring your CDs and booklets at YMV, k? :)
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