
Start Up The Drums Again

Start up the drums again
Murder back on track
It's time to hit the sack
All that's black is back
Start up the drums again
I got mugged by a kid named Jack
The breadwinner got off track
The band is back, Mac attack
Start up the drums again
Let's stay away from crack
I'm not cutting you any slack
Cuz we're getting back on track
Start up the drums again
Seems I haven't lost the knack
For shooting you in the back
Hold on while I get a snack
Start up the drums again
I'm a duck, quack quack quack
I'm going to try a different tack
I'm going to mount you on a plaque
Start up the drums again
I'm getting out my bags to pack
I'm letting you fall through the cracks
I'm making up for what I lack
Start up the drums again


A simple word

Simple words
Spoken from the heart
Mean more than you could know
They beat where broken hearts cannot
And through the sidewalks grow
Do not doubt
The power there
Hidden in a soul
That truly thrives and leaps and builds
It makes the broken whole
The trust of a friend
Who speaks what's meant
Can change water into wine
It can turn the blackness into light
It can cause hearts to entwine
One simple word
Before you sleep
Can change a day into
A day that was better far
Than anything you've been through
A simple word can destroy worlds
It can poison a wishing well
But when it's used
And not abused
It is the fount of life
So do not end the day
Until you've found the one
Who has to words hidden up inside
And breathes them into


Next time you jump...

...use a parachute.
Next time you fall in love...
...phone a friend.
Next time you get drunk...
...find someone with a video camera.
Next time you fail epicly...
...know someone who can pick you up.
Next time you hurt...
...get a hug.
Next time you laugh real hard...
...don't keep it in.
Next time you cry even harder...
...pray for help.
Next time you decide to die...
...rethink your choice.
Next time you live life...
...take everyone you know along for the ride.




by Muse

Let's start over again
Why can't we start it over again
Just let us start it over again
And we'll be good
This time we'll get it
We'll get it right
It's our last chance to forgive ourselves...


Due to lack of insperation...

...I have not been posting much of anything.... I've been studying. And attempting to remain sane whilst all my friends contract the swine flu. Copious amounts of Zombie Wars have kept me occupied... while other things clamored for my attention like so many neglected puppies in the back yard calling loud and long. I ignore them... until they start biting me that is.

Some listen to Michael Buble, some protect the world from the Apocalypse, others just feed the puppies first thing in the morning.

I love ambiguity.



Life is taking me for a ride

Life is drowning me
It's filling my lungs with an endless sea
It's crying and dying
It's living and striving
The swells are picking up the ships
Come on out, we're going for a dip
Let's get swept away
Swept away in an overwhelming flood
We're going for a ride

Life is breaking me
It's put me in a vice, and begun to squeeze
It's overbearing, it's started tearing
It's rejoicing, it's floating
It's raging in my ears
It's ripping away my fears
Let's get swept away
Swept away in an overwhelming flood
We're going for a ride


Some of my favorite things:

-B movies on weekends
-Extremely odd Latin slides
-Fruit flavored candy
-Friends that encourage you even when you don't think you need it
-Wise men to guide you through the sludge of life
-A God who sees it all, knows it all.. and cares deeply



Sing "Hallelujah" even when you don't feel it
Sing "Hallelujah" even when it hurts to say it
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you hate the world
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you cry
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you die
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you can't go on
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you hit to ground
Sing "Hallelujah" even when you don't want to be found
Sing "Hallelujah" until salvation appears
Sing "Hallelujah"
Sing "Hallelujah"
Sing "Hallelujah"


So we...

It's so clear
So obvious
This is the way it is going
The way it always should have been
The road is stretching out
It's bending
It's bleeding
But all the same, it's clear as day
So shining bright
Such blinding light
We'll stand like stones
And will have always known
Where we're going
What we've doing
And Who's on our side
We've nothing left to hide

So we stand
So we walk
So we live

The Invasion of the Mariachi Music

It is coming to get you! Well, me mostly. I can't seem to escape it. First it was Robert Rodriguez (director of El Mariachi, Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Spy Kids) and his mariachi rock band, Chingon. Yeah, if you know Spanish... well, it speaks for itself.

Now the very confusingly named rock band, The Bronx (who are actually from So Cal) made a mariachi album.

Rodriguez I can see, but a hardcore band suddenly turning out traditional Mexican music?????

It is hunting me down, it has infected my brain.

*goes off to blast obscure Spanish music in his minivan*



"Things Change"

People say it as if it is inevitable... as if it is fate, as if it is meant to be. Last year is not this year, what was relevant then is not relevant now. What would have been a great idea yesterday would end in disaster today. She's engaged now, you wouldn't DARE do that now! If you talk to him like that he will punch you in the face.

"But it was just a joke!"

"Things change"

It was black and white, now it's all gray. Now I'm blind. Now we are dying. Now we are destined for hell. Now we have no more goodness in us. Now we are helpless. Now we hate. Now we murder. Now we lie. Now we are on a meat train aimed for the deepest despair.

But then there was one last change, and that change affected us deeply... it is irrevocable. We will not change back again. Nor will our Leader.

"Man is to face judgment once, and then enter eternity."

No more change.

Praise the Lord.


Postmoderism in a Bucket

There is a pail that is dangling from your loose grip, it is resting by your bed, it is sitting in your lap. You display it with pride, you believe that it says something relevant. I beg to differ. I submit that it reeks.

What does it contain? For you yourself do not know. Let me tell you:

It is begging to say something meaningful by saying what you already hold to. It is straying outside the lines while remaining firmly inside your comfort zone. It is taking the majority and making them the ones oppressed. It is fancy words and flashy signs that say what has been said a thousand times, yet still mean nothing. It is dawning clothing that was rebellious in the 60's and saying that because you and all your friends are wearing it, that you should be respected for who you are. It is finding the next big thing first, and then dropping it like a bad habit when it becomes popular. It is the mall you walk in. It is the presidency of every nation you can imagine. It is the music industry. It is not science fiction. It is the best of all possible worlds.

Welcome to the 21st Century.


God poetry life music randomness Movies stories general foolishness hope list redemption adventure love playlist of the week self correction American culture Christian Video change friends jobs the church Politics Review anger laziness peace perspective rain school summer Batman Bible Bike Choices Comedy Games Praise Worldview back from the dead birthday comics contentment facebook favorite things forgiveness grace grocery stores idols max bemis metaphor pop culture prayer punk rock scott pilgrim sin snow striving stupidity summer camp thanks the apocalypse theology trust truth vikings violence war waves winter words work worship zombies A Band In Hope Alan Moore Anorexia Ben Stiller Book of Eli Bubba Ho-Tep Captain Hammer Cell Phone Christopher Nolan College Denzel Washington Dr. Horrible Evil FAQ Family Flobots Good Goorin bros Harry Potter Heath Ledger Jimmy Jonathan Joss Whedon KJ-52 Lost trust Mobile Movie Critics Muse Nervosa Ninjas PAX217 Penny Peter Hitchens Philistines Raw Rock Rise Against Shawn Harris Showbread Skittles Speed Racer Surviving High School The Dark Knight The Matches The Matrix Tooth and Nail Tragedy Tropic Thunder Vietnam Wachowiski Brothers active airports albums alcohol alcohol beverage control ambiguity apology art bands beauty best buy best of blasphemy buckets burgers car trips career claddaugh rings clarification creation danger defibrillators definitions destination doom dragons drums edger allen poe emotions entertainment epic evolution fad fame fate feelings fight flags general advice glamour glory hallelujah hats heart heaven hell hip/hop home humility ideals internet interruptions introspection joy jury duty justice laundry letter letting go life lessons mariachi men michael buble mom monies mummies mystery naps nerdiness new things nursing homes obama ocean old testament pain paradox passive planes postmodernism puppies ramona flowers relationships religion revisions right place right time righteousness road robert rodriguez salvation sarcasm say anything scary sci-fi sea searching seasons smack soapbox song soundtrack spanish standards stars string sun tale taxes the Joker the Kingdom of God the apostle Paul the bronx time toy story treasure trinity underdogs unsung heroes update valentines day vampire weekend vulgarity waiting warped tour water withdrawl worry

Stuff I talk about

God poetry life music randomness Movies stories general foolishness hope list redemption adventure love playlist of the week self correction American culture Christian Video change friends jobs the church Politics Review anger laziness peace perspective rain school summer Batman Bible Bike Choices Comedy Games Praise Worldview back from the dead birthday comics contentment facebook favorite things forgiveness grace grocery stores idols max bemis metaphor pop culture prayer punk rock scott pilgrim sin snow striving stupidity summer camp thanks the apocalypse theology trust truth vikings violence war waves winter words work worship zombies A Band In Hope Alan Moore Anorexia Ben Stiller Book of Eli Bubba Ho-Tep Captain Hammer Cell Phone Christopher Nolan College Denzel Washington Dr. Horrible Evil FAQ Family Flobots Good Goorin bros Harry Potter Heath Ledger Jimmy Jonathan Joss Whedon KJ-52 Lost trust Mobile Movie Critics Muse Nervosa Ninjas PAX217 Penny Peter Hitchens Philistines Raw Rock Rise Against Shawn Harris Showbread Skittles Speed Racer Surviving High School The Dark Knight The Matches The Matrix Tooth and Nail Tragedy Tropic Thunder Vietnam Wachowiski Brothers active airports albums alcohol alcohol beverage control ambiguity apology art bands beauty best buy best of blasphemy buckets burgers car trips career claddaugh rings clarification creation danger defibrillators definitions destination doom dragons drums edger allen poe emotions entertainment epic evolution fad fame fate feelings fight flags general advice glamour glory hallelujah hats heart heaven hell hip/hop home humility ideals internet interruptions introspection joy jury duty justice laundry letter letting go life lessons mariachi men michael buble mom monies mummies mystery naps nerdiness new things nursing homes obama ocean old testament pain paradox passive planes postmodernism puppies ramona flowers relationships religion revisions right place right time righteousness road robert rodriguez salvation sarcasm say anything scary sci-fi sea searching seasons smack soapbox song soundtrack spanish standards stars string sun tale taxes the Joker the Kingdom of God the apostle Paul the bronx time toy story treasure trinity underdogs unsung heroes update valentines day vampire weekend vulgarity waiting warped tour water withdrawl worry

About Me

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Va Beach, VA, United States
Husband, son, brother, friend, box-kicker, Christian and writer of profound non-sequiturs.

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