
A New Direction...

Hello ladies and gentlemen! 

I just wanted to update you all as to what on God's beautiful green Earth is going on with this blog. To be completely forthright, it has been very spastic and I apologize. I've just been posting about whatever I want and there has been no real theme besides "media and Christian youth culture"...... whatever THAT means! 

No more! I intend to keep everything a little more ordered from here on out. I will be doing my darnedest to update this thing every Saturday with either reviews or an essay. Each week will have a curtain theme, e.g. video games, blockbuster films, anime, comics, music, etc.

Also, to keep things simple, I will be employing a 5 point rating system to everything I review. Everything will be out of 5 smiles.... I was trying to think of something unique.

Anyway, I hope you continue reading!
Many thanks for your patience,

P.S. Next week will be the video game article, containing mostly reviews.


Why I hated "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog"

Sorry, I know it's been a while. I've been in the middle of a move, getting ready for school and lots of other personal stuff to resolve or deal with. But it's good to be blogging again.

Today's topic is, as you probably guessed from the title, about the recent internet phenomenon: "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" created by Joss Whedon (Creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and Serenity). If you want to learn more about the show, you can read about it here:

As usual, I need to have my little, or big, disclaimer: WARNING, THIS REVIEW AND/OR ESSAY CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!!

 Now I just recently was introduced to Joss through the film "Serenity" and the comic book "Fray" and loved both. Then I saw all this hype about this new internet show floating around, so I decided to go check it out. At the time, only the first two parts were out. I watched them and loved it! It was funny, it was moving, it was great! In the words of Larryboy: "I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob!"

I had learned that the final episode premiered at midnight last night, so I resolved to stay up until then to watch it. I was all excited. To prepare, I read a bunch of interviews with the cast and crew and then caught up on the story for the fifth time about by watching the first two episodes again. Then finally, the moment had come! Millions of sci-fi, comedy, superhero, musical and Joss Whedon fans around the globe waited till midnight..... and THEN..............................................................................................
I hated it. My take on it can be seen plainly in a short essay which I wrote on a forum I post on regularly.

Me: "Just watched part III. It was horrible!!!! And I do NOT mean that in a good way! I got hooked on parts one and two, and watched them over and over and over again. Well all I can say is: "THANKS A LOT JOSS, YOU..................!!!!!!!!" *shoots self in the head* I can't believe that I stayed up till midnight to see that! Anyone else agree that the ending was awful?? 

Forum member #1: "I completely disagree. Joss did a brave thing with the ending. Killing Penny was Brave!After all Dr.Horrible is evil, not the good guy.This show was meant to show how just because someone is good doesn't mean he isn't a total douche.
I really don't know why your upset, he was evil, even if you sympathized with him.I thought the ending was perfect. Why complain when you got it for free? I'll buy the DvD for sure!!!!"

Forum Member #2: "Also... It's Joss Whedon... Did you expect roses at the end?"

Me: "Did I expect there to be roses? Ummmmm... is that a trick question? 

Here, perhaps I should explain. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional tragedy every now and then, ("Sweeney Todd" is one of my favorites) but I like them to stay where they are; tragedies should stay tragedies and comedies should stay comedies. None of this mixing and matching, please! But if I HAD to pick, I'd choose a tragic comedy (a sad story with a happy ending) over a comic tragedy (a funny story with a sad ending) anyday!

Guillermo del Toro put it very well in an interview recently. When asked why he turned down the chance to direct the film "Se7en," he said: "Because I'm a fat, sentimental fool who doesn't ascribe to that world view." I feel EXACTLY the same way!

See, unlike a lot of people today, I rarely view things as morally ambiguous. They are either right, or they are wrong. In the case of "The Sing Along Blog," no matter what the characters the show are called, Dr. Horrible is good and Captain Hammer is evil.... I don't think that anything could convince me otherwise. And then it is also a comedy (I'm laughing, aren't I?) So by definition, Dr. Horrible should get the girl and Captain Hammer should be....um....well.... killed. That's the kind of just and right ending that I was expecting and then......well, if you saw act III, you know the rest.

Let me put it another way: someone you trust introduces you to a friend of theirs. You and the friend hit it off instantly. Going to the movies, having meals and going bowling together becomes a regular thing. Then one day, the person who introduced you calls you up and tells both of you to come to his place cause he has a surprise for you. Once you both get there, the man takes you into his house, closes the door and then drives a knife into your new friend's heart. Gasping for breath, she falls to the floor. You scream at the man you once trusted, but he doesn't even seem to notice. Then once the girl is finally dead, he looks at you and says: "Now wasn't that fun?"

Joss Whedon has become the Joker of Batman fame. Perhaps Nolan should give him a part in the next film?

I think that the film "Stranger than Fiction" puts it well when Hoffman says: "A comedy is a tragedy that ends too soon." All I can say is that Whedon ended it too late.

So, I know that it is just a movie, TV show, internet show, whatever and that it's not real. But I really get invested in the characters of any story, and Whedon was successful in making me sympathize with Dr. Horrible and Penny. But then he betrayed my trust with the final installment. 

Not amused,

Frank'n'stay is just another alias I go by, in case you were wondering. But anyway, that's really all I have to say on the subject. I've been sitting on a bunch of reviews. I try to get them to you asap, or, that is, whenever I get around to it.... :P

Till Then,


God poetry life music randomness Movies stories general foolishness hope list redemption adventure love playlist of the week self correction American culture Christian Video change friends jobs the church Politics Review anger laziness peace perspective rain school summer Batman Bible Bike Choices Comedy Games Praise Worldview back from the dead birthday comics contentment facebook favorite things forgiveness grace grocery stores idols max bemis metaphor pop culture prayer punk rock scott pilgrim sin snow striving stupidity summer camp thanks the apocalypse theology trust truth vikings violence war waves winter words work worship zombies A Band In Hope Alan Moore Anorexia Ben Stiller Book of Eli Bubba Ho-Tep Captain Hammer Cell Phone Christopher Nolan College Denzel Washington Dr. Horrible Evil FAQ Family Flobots Good Goorin bros Harry Potter Heath Ledger Jimmy Jonathan Joss Whedon KJ-52 Lost trust Mobile Movie Critics Muse Nervosa Ninjas PAX217 Penny Peter Hitchens Philistines Raw Rock Rise Against Shawn Harris Showbread Skittles Speed Racer Surviving High School The Dark Knight The Matches The Matrix Tooth and Nail Tragedy Tropic Thunder Vietnam Wachowiski Brothers active airports albums alcohol alcohol beverage control ambiguity apology art bands beauty best buy best of blasphemy buckets burgers car trips career claddaugh rings clarification creation danger defibrillators definitions destination doom dragons drums edger allen poe emotions entertainment epic evolution fad fame fate feelings fight flags general advice glamour glory hallelujah hats heart heaven hell hip/hop home humility ideals internet interruptions introspection joy jury duty justice laundry letter letting go life lessons mariachi men michael buble mom monies mummies mystery naps nerdiness new things nursing homes obama ocean old testament pain paradox passive planes postmodernism puppies ramona flowers relationships religion revisions right place right time righteousness road robert rodriguez salvation sarcasm say anything scary sci-fi sea searching seasons smack soapbox song soundtrack spanish standards stars string sun tale taxes the Joker the Kingdom of God the apostle Paul the bronx time toy story treasure trinity underdogs unsung heroes update valentines day vampire weekend vulgarity waiting warped tour water withdrawl worry

Stuff I talk about

God poetry life music randomness Movies stories general foolishness hope list redemption adventure love playlist of the week self correction American culture Christian Video change friends jobs the church Politics Review anger laziness peace perspective rain school summer Batman Bible Bike Choices Comedy Games Praise Worldview back from the dead birthday comics contentment facebook favorite things forgiveness grace grocery stores idols max bemis metaphor pop culture prayer punk rock scott pilgrim sin snow striving stupidity summer camp thanks the apocalypse theology trust truth vikings violence war waves winter words work worship zombies A Band In Hope Alan Moore Anorexia Ben Stiller Book of Eli Bubba Ho-Tep Captain Hammer Cell Phone Christopher Nolan College Denzel Washington Dr. Horrible Evil FAQ Family Flobots Good Goorin bros Harry Potter Heath Ledger Jimmy Jonathan Joss Whedon KJ-52 Lost trust Mobile Movie Critics Muse Nervosa Ninjas PAX217 Penny Peter Hitchens Philistines Raw Rock Rise Against Shawn Harris Showbread Skittles Speed Racer Surviving High School The Dark Knight The Matches The Matrix Tooth and Nail Tragedy Tropic Thunder Vietnam Wachowiski Brothers active airports albums alcohol alcohol beverage control ambiguity apology art bands beauty best buy best of blasphemy buckets burgers car trips career claddaugh rings clarification creation danger defibrillators definitions destination doom dragons drums edger allen poe emotions entertainment epic evolution fad fame fate feelings fight flags general advice glamour glory hallelujah hats heart heaven hell hip/hop home humility ideals internet interruptions introspection joy jury duty justice laundry letter letting go life lessons mariachi men michael buble mom monies mummies mystery naps nerdiness new things nursing homes obama ocean old testament pain paradox passive planes postmodernism puppies ramona flowers relationships religion revisions right place right time righteousness road robert rodriguez salvation sarcasm say anything scary sci-fi sea searching seasons smack soapbox song soundtrack spanish standards stars string sun tale taxes the Joker the Kingdom of God the apostle Paul the bronx time toy story treasure trinity underdogs unsung heroes update valentines day vampire weekend vulgarity waiting warped tour water withdrawl worry

About Me

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Va Beach, VA, United States
Husband, son, brother, friend, box-kicker, Christian and writer of profound non-sequiturs.

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